The intention of the telephone letter as a vector quantum Isospin, perceived through the modern telecomputable optics channel of a screenbased hearing. A reaction against (often idle) text-based correlation to and fro one device. With the smartphones text-based prospect, Isospin aims to co-operate alongside acoustic signalling and transcend the general phenomena of letterform retention through an equivalent formula.
2.Morse-code operations rely on sustained attention to pulse sequencing sound, through continuous wave transmission. Retention of individual letters is gained by listening and taking note within the imagination in order to piece together each word. CW mode is still widely used today and does not rely on a network provider.
3. Pagers, gaining popularity during the 1980s, are linked to a wider network coverage than cellular phone networks because they coincide with satelite communications directly, via GPS. However these devices are slowly being phased out by network providers.
4. Disquietingly, SMS text-messaging has out-taken mutual conversation and often falls victim to triggering demands on whim, much like the command intention of the pager.
An inversion has occurred in human telecommunicative activity, our sense of ‘occasion’ has hence been sensored, observation obstructed, clamour now supersedes glamour, despite the tele-devices mainframe function to equip open interaction via spoken exchange.
5. Isospin dials to function as the upbeat pulse of parallel negotiation within human association, across a clear, circulative matrix. Text, under distributed duplex cognitive processing.₁
6.One may suggest a typeface for transcribing voice,
however the purpose of Isospin remains in limbo, and inclines awareness with regards to vocal discourse, in its raw essence, towards a text-based equivalent, emitted yet contray to, acting as a ‘substitute’ for.
7. Visual recognition and memory play subject to the development of Isospin. What signifies Isospin is the axis mapping of its isomorphic fifth root of unity.
8. As technological text-based communications advance by modern digital connection speeds, intricacy in vector shape clarity coincides. Isospin sets its structure on formal units under a similar calibration to Monylop, including on all bézier-curves. Side-bearing logic and kerning specifications also remain verified to the rule. Counterpart Isospin Italic outline coordinates comply to the Monylop praxis.₂
9. When considering vector glyphic forms based on optical inversive geometry, our dipiction becomes silhouetted, which in turn, presses into memory cells due to the infinite looping of calculations multiplied by repetition. Shape blocks out light and therefore casts an impression or engram.₃
10.The classic spiral telephone wire reminds us of expansive hearing, thus expansive reading [7].
11. Bakelite plastic, designed by the Belgium Leo Baekelite, became a revolutionary success in 1907, becoming the first plastic to be manufactured from synthetic components.
12. Early Ericsson telephones were made from the material due to its durablity, lightness in weight, insulation and heat-resistant qualities. Meanwhile, they were only available in black. Carbon black Bakelite, or polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride, has an unusual tonal pigment density, which Isospin arrives to emulate by incorporating a double-black twin-transcription file processing gestalt.₄
13.The handheld eBook reader Kindle uses a Liquid Cellular Display, whereas smartphones, laptops and desktop-computers are usually built with Light-Emitting Diodes. LCD displays tend to appear sharper. This is where differences in the rendering of graphics collide. Isospin aims to distinguish a leap in LED ‘kindling’.
14. Isospin swivels on a shapely buoyance and refines certain features by reduction in stroke width, with an average axis difference of 20% in stroke orientation. Volted extremities often transverse on a third axis, a bridge to connecting/continuous strokes, brutally enhanced contrast to support seccadic orbit.
15. Distinct features of Isospin are — ink/light-traps; slightly condensed rounds; characteristics of Monylop; resonant contrast; formal assembly. Diacritics and punctuation indicate a distinct flavour of clarity – commas and periods are square, cedillas swash, accents airy in pronouncement. And yet with the exception of some accents, all stroke terminals reject diagonal inclinations.
16. A 35% increase in weight was performed for the Bold variant of Isospin, the horizontals remain regular and some characters were widened, all of which abide to the Monylop Principle. Letter W (for example) has inktraps trailing to a calligraphic angle, its chiselled depths promote clarity. Isospin Bold offers a companion to the parties stamina.₅
17.The difficulty of variant selection can be solved by adopting a variable outlook. For the coalesce of the variable GX release, analysis into the affect of the assigned Monylop Principle via manual (slider) adjustment, provides scroll-control of a calibrated sensory threshold. The Light stroke weight variant was established to decrease contrast, which is available singularly. The Extra-Bold towards Black weight variants increase calligraphic shift, as does Light. The modest inflation between Regular, Bold and Extra-Bold maintains a tapered stance, reinforcing most traps. The calligraphic bowls of the Light variant sharpen in contrast and excavate into the understructure. The forms become slightly cubic, retaining most widths. And as a result, a distinctly saturated spacial alignment occurs via allocated light refraction.
18.Isospin Black variant rebels against conforming to consistant limitation features. Shortcuts are thus crossed to open spaces prone to blotting. In response to this, the overall width remains narrow and exercises an amplitude of distinct density.
19. All five varying weights have each their own Italic/Tilted companion. Isospin has a narrow consistent wiring, saving document width. All vectors fit within the Monylop configurion principle and are attuned to a formal standing on a variable plane.
₁ ‘Connectionism, noun [mass noun], an artificial intelligence approach to cognition in which multiple connections between nodes (equivalent to brain cells) form a massive interactive network in which many processes take place simultaneously and certain processes, operating in parallel, are grouped together in hierarchies that bring about results such as thought or action. Also called parallel distributed processing’. (Oxford Dictionary of English, 2020).
Parallel Distributed Processing, Volume 1 Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations (Computational Models of Cognition and Perception), David E. Rumelhart, James L. McClelland & The PDP Research Group, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986).
Further reading: Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation, David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton & Ronald J. Williams, (Institute for Congnitive Science, University of California, San Diego, 1985).
₂ Monylop →
₃ Observing the Verdrängung sense of the word. Archive Fever, A Freudian Impression by Jacques Derrida, translated by Eric Prenowitz, 28 (The Chicago University Press, 1995).
₄ Licencing available on request.
₅ Isospin Bold and Bold-Italic were released in September 2021.